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Directions to Arctic Dog Adventure Co.

Arctic Dog Adventure Co. is located approximately 30 minutes from downtown Fairbanks. Driving time may vary according to road conditions. Please do not be early, we do not have a waiting room and require time to prepare for your tour. Thank you for your consideration. 


Follow our directions and you will arrive on time. If you use GPS, check to make sure it matches up with the directions and that you are coming via the Steese/Elliott Highway (AK-2) NOT the Parks Highway/Goldstream/Sheep Creek/Spinach Creek Roads. If you follow GPS and end up on the wrong side of Old Murphy Dome Road (40 minutes in the wrong direction), we will work with you to reschedule if availability allows, but we will not refund you. Feel free to call for clarification: (907) 841-4694.


Be warned there is no cell service in between spots 1 and 2 on the map. Great service everywhere else though. Please call if you need clarification.

1) Head North from Fairbanks on the Elliott/Steese Highway (AK-2/AK-6). Ten miles outside of town, you will reach Fox, the junction of the Steese and the Elliot highways (AK-6 & AK-2). Go straight through Fox on the Elliott Highway (AK-2) (turning right will take you up the Steese Highway (AK-6), turning left will take you to the Goldstream Valley). 


2) 3.5 miles past Fox, at the top of a steep and windy hill, take a LEFT onto OLD MURPHY DOME ROAD. If you pass Hilltop Gas Station, you have missed the turn.


3) Drive 6 miles down Old Murphy Dome Road and take a LEFT at the first street sign you see: HATTIE CREEK ROAD. 


4) SLOW DOWN. Kids and dog teams use this road. We are located at 2270 HATTIE CREEK ROAD. We are the FOURTH driveway on the RIGHT near the bottom of the hill. Again, SLOW DOWN. The hill is steep and you cannot stop quickly. We have a sign reading "2270" and Arctic Dog Adventure Co." at the bottom of the driveway. Do not follow the "Husky Lifestyle" signs -- those belong to a neighbor. We have parking at the bottom of the drive. Grab what you need from your car and walk up to the Check-in sign at the top of the drive. If you miss the driveway, do NOT make a left hand turn into the drive -- this is a good way to get stuck. Go back up to the top of the hill to turn around in order to make the right hand turn into the drive. 


Feel free to call Lisbet with any questions or concerns: (907) 841-4694


This is a semi rural area. Sometimes it takes a long time for road crews to come through and clear the roads after it snows. We strongly recommend using a vehicle with 4 wheel drive.


No transportation?  Call a taxi. It will be ~$200 roundtrip. We do not recommend Uber or Lyft. You may be able to get an Uber out to the kennel, but you will likely not get one to come back out to pick you up unless you specifically arrange that with the driver. 



Phone: (907) 841-4694

Mail: Arctic Dog Adventure Co. 

P.O. Box  750689

Fairbanks, AK 99775



To connect clients with Northern landscapes; to provide safe, ethical and comfortable outdoor experiences for all ages; to educate the public about sled dogs and mushing; to honor the heritage of the Siberian Husky as a working dog.


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© 2024 by Arctic Dog Adventure Co. | P.O. Box 750689 Fairbanks, AK 99775| (907) 841-4694 |Terms of Use

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